This is what's on my mind. I'm very Focused on my career so The last thing I want right now is a Relationship. I've tried it. They just don't work right now. So please do not look for anything more then an amazing good time and some inspiration from me. Love you.
─Curt Chambers / after the show at Blinkin Lincoln, 2010
楔 子
大約兩年前的現在,在已隱藏的部落格crotchery時代,我曾寫過一篇介紹Curt Chambers的文章,稍微修飾之後如下:

來自費城,Curt Chambers (AKA Gas、Curt Da Rockboy、Philly's Rock Star)是一位技法出眾、富有舞台渲染力的吉他天才;Gas從小的偶像是Jimi Hendrix和Prince,並憑著父親支持和教堂環境薰陶的雙管齊下,展開了他的音樂之路。
在Eric Roberson (AKA ERRO)的《…Left》專輯裡,其實Gas並沒有把他的能力完全的發揮出來(他同時還是一位鍵盤手),即使ERRO也是個著重現場樂器演奏、重拾靈魂樂本質的音樂人,但畢竟ERRO走的是黑人傳統節奏藍調路線,而Gas卻是一個徹徹底底、完全服膺自身搖滾基因底下的瘋狂樂手,加上他在大學修習的是爵士與表演課程,自然懂得如何從音樂之中傳達各式生命色彩。
說到這裡,不得不先介紹Franklin Bridge。
Franklin Bridge是Gas的樂團,第一代成員有Rayfield "Ray Ray" Holloman(Guitar)、Lil" Darrell Robinson(Drum)、Wayne Moore(Bass)、Aaron Draper(percussion、已離團)以及Adam Blackstone(keyboard、已離團)。這群懷抱共同音樂理念的費城與紐澤西年輕音樂人,自稱玩著「Hip Rock Soul」,曾和Jay-Z、LL Cool J、B.B. King、Jill Scott、Floetry、Lenny Kravitz、Gerald LeVert、Chrisette Michele、Bilal、Jeff Bradshaw、Kindred the Family Soul、Anthony Hamilton、The Roots、Vivian Green、Leela Jame、Heather Headley、Sharrissa、JazzyFatnastees、Will Smith和Pharrell Williams等人在錄音室或巡迴演出中合作,而他們也曾發表過屬於自己的音樂專輯。


若最後要給Gas下一個註解,那我會說,「Curt Chambers真是一位野男子!若親眼目睹他的現場演出,鼻血要不流,很難!」
這兩年內,我不時注意Gas有沒有新的音樂作品,或者參與哪位音樂人的製作,而更教我期待的,無非是他何時會集結自己的音樂理念並呈現世人面前。終於,在2010年的首月(正確的說是1月21至22日之間),Curt Chambers,他的第一張作品《Crash Landing》透過網路平台發表了!
《Crash Landing》
這張專輯雖以Mixtape命名,但我發現《Crash Landing》介於Mixtape和一般專輯的形式(一般專輯是不容許那麼多的「說話」,像是「宣傳對外窗」的Mixtape也不會具備如此文藝構思。),甚至有點自述取向。24首歌曲裡,Gas說了不少他的「感想」(Voice Interlude),除了介紹他的各類網站,還有一些身為1980年後出生的世代,其接觸音樂的心路歷程。
《Crash Landing》的歌曲可分為三部分:
一、與市場上的音樂作連繫:如〈Videotapes (feat. Eric Roberson & DJ Active)〉、〈Last Dance〉、〈Blow Ya Mind (feat. Thomas Clay)〉、〈Crash Landing (feat. Thomas Clay)〉、〈Incredible Remix〉,Gas在後製方面使用了不少音樂效果,容易引人注目;
二、吉他狂奏的音樂:如〈Can't Stop Loving You〉、《…Left》時的創作〈Couldn't Hear Her (feat. Eric Roberson)〉;
三、名曲翻唱:D'Angelo的〈How Does It Feel〉、Kanye West的〈Say You Will〉、ERRO和Osunlade寫給Musiq Soulchild的〈Mary Go Round〉、Prince的〈Purple Rain〉。
當然,專輯裡最「甜」的那首歌當屬〈Need One Another (feat. Tesa Williams)〉了。
《Crash Landing》與業界的關係
負責《Crash Landing》專輯大方向的,是同樣出身於費城,自「Neo-Soul學派」著名搭檔Carvin & Ivan (Karma Productions)的Ivan Barias。
但我們不禁想問,《Crash Landing》和諸如Jill Scott、Raheem DeVaughn、Musiq Soulchild等Neo-Soul音樂人的音樂,好像有點不同,因此,我們可以進一步嘗試了解,Carvin Haggins和Ivan Barisa,以及另一組「Neo-Soul學派」著名搭檔Vidal & Dre(Andre Harris和Vidal Davis),兩組人馬的作品到了近期似乎已非執著於2000年左右的Neo-Soul態樣(pattern),換句話說,從DJ Jazzy Jeff那裡學習音樂製作的他們,經過時間的推移,也必須將Erykah Badu的名言「Neo-soul is dead. I never knew what that was anyway」給「實踐化」,更換跑道以取得延續音樂生涯的途徑(approach)。
什麼是過去的Neo-Soul?以兩張專輯為例:2000年Musiq Soulchild的《Aijuswanaseing》和2001年Jill Scott的《Experience: Jill Scott 826+》。《Aijuswanaseing》無需贅述,相信各位必定熟知,時值Neo-Soul的輝煌年代,Calvin & Ivan幾乎擔綱整張專輯的歌曲撰寫與製作責任(請見專輯內頁或Wiki);《Experience: Jill Scott 826+》則是Jill Scott甫出道時,現場加錄音室的二合一專輯,那時還待在DJ Jazzy Jeff麾下的Andre Harris和Vidal Davis尚未合體,也分別譜寫製作了專輯內的許多歌曲,曲曲超時(也就是非制式的4分鐘規模,甚者超過10分鐘)。
所以,Curt Chmabers和Ivan Barias的合作,我們可以以兩個方向看待:
一、Ivan Barias的Neo-Soul已經是市場導向,但這沒有任何的不好,因為Erykah Badu都說Neo-Soul掛了,聽者也毋庸打著燈籠費心尋找「它」;
二、網路與全球化,造成音樂的全觀性(holistic);意即,我們可以隨時聽見與看到最新最多的音樂產物(如同與美國同步甚至更早看到首演的美國電影),同時也抑制了音樂的流通性(因為太多生產要素在網路與全球化構成的場域競爭,造成嚴重的排擠效應)。這裡的意思是,音樂人已經「退位」到傳統年代,只能在家鄉發片、宣傳。《Crash Landing》從製造到上市流通,只要有網路都可以獲得第一手訊息,但諷刺的是,它也只能待在費城和紐澤西「透過網路」發揮效益。這,就是「全球化底下的在地迷思」。

1月30日在費城Blinkin Lincoln的專輯發表已圓滿結束,祝Gas的音樂事業順利!
Getting to Know You: Curt Chambers
(Dictated Excerpts from Personal Interview with Veronica Hinds, Shiney Nickel Productions/Community College of Philadelphia Production)
“My name Curt Chambers and I am from Philly [Philadelphia, PA]. I have been performing with my band and by myself for about 4 years now. As far as describing the feel of my music, I would say it is a combination of Rock and R&B, so it is your favorite hard hitting rock band and your favorite male vocalist stuck in a room forced to make a record. I am all about inspiring people in music, or in life in general, so I want people to feel inspired when they hear my music. I want them to feel like Curt did it, he got up and he did it, man I am going to do it, I can do this, okay, let [us] do it.”
Who are some of your influences?
“Cold Pay, Usher, Joe, Urbana, Prince, and I can not forget the one who is a major influence, and that is Jimi Hendrix. The reason I am going in that direction is because I am a fan of the mixture of Rock and R&B, the two styles of music I have always loved. Maybe someone has decided to put these two [genres] together before me, I do not want to discredit anyone, but I describe those influences in that order because that is simply how they have influenced me. I want to know how to really touch people with what I play as opposed to, I have this hot lick I worked on all day, I am going to play this song. I like to key [into] my audience to spiritually lift people in my playing.”
Who influenced you the most in your career?
“My father, telling me that my gift will always make room for me, which has been a lesson in to always be patient, if it is not happening right now, it is going to happen later. Always give room for your gift.”
What inspires you musically?
“I would say life experiences, but that is for a large variety of artists. Growing up in church and playing in church had a great affect on my music in such ways where it taught me how to connect with what I am playing and giving what I am playing purpose so that I am not taking that moment for granted.”
評 論
"this dude is sweet as syrup and smooth as butter."
"he has the ability to transition from the ferocity of rock’s rougher edges into the smoothness of R&B."
"a strong energy high performance show, you are not just sitting there listening, you actually get into it, you are amazed."